Xuyang Li

Contact: xuyang.li # smail.nju.edu.cn


Xuyang Li is a third-year postgraduate student at PLaX group in Nanjing University, under supervision by Prof. Xinyu Feng and Prof. Hongjin Liang.

He is familiar with formal methods, programming languages, and software engineering. In the past, he mainly worked on compiler verification (see the seminal work CompCert), especially optimization’s verification. He machanized a verified validator for polyhedral scheduling (accepted to TASE’24, coming soon!). He also verified a dataflow optimization (common subexpression elimination) in relaxed concurrency (i.e. promising semantics, see project site).

He considers the core of computer science connecting human thoughts with metals, theories with practices. From the human side, people do software engineering research and renew human-computer interface to better (like, more efficiently and more rigorously) develop more functional softwares. From the metal side, people research high-performance computing and design abstraction layers and components (like operating systems, database and domain-specific architecture) for better hardware manipulations. His current research interests lies in understanding the connections with a human-oriented perspective. Start from the human side, he believes that by leveraging formal methods (like formalizations and machanizations) to ground intuitions originated from software engineering practices (like program testing and debugging), people can more precisely reveal, understand, define, utilize and automate the human-nature connections, and finally ease and colorize the software development.

If everything goes well, he will go to Purdue for his Phd. Stay Tuned :)